Media Sources & Contacts

Reliable media sources in English

To understand the situation in Ukraine better, you need to follow high-quality and reliable Ukrainian media. Below is a list of Ukrainian English-language sources that you can trust.

English-language Ukrainian media for foreign audience

English-language Ukrainian media for foreign audience

Find a fixer/interpreter

Who are fixers?

Foreign journalists who come to Ukraine to cover events typically need assistants on the ground – people who will organize the work in the field, guide journalists, help prepare materials, find interviewees and sources, deal with logistical issues, and help ensure the safety of foreign reporters. These assistants are known as fixers or local producers.

Fixers can help with sorting out the nuances of working on the ground – for example, whether it is safe to go to a certain place, whether the reporter is talking to an appropriate expert, how to get permission to take photos, how to cover tragic events ethically, etc.

The fixer’s typical responsibilities:

  1. Conceptualization of the future journalistic material, searching for and generating appropriate topics;
  2. Logistics – how to get to the right place, etc.;
  3. Searching for speakers, communication with sources and interviewees;
  4. Translation to and from Ukrainian;
  5. Helping support the safety of journalists.

Other optional responsibilities might include technical help, driving, and more.

Where to find a fixer in Ukraine:

The Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform provides assistance in finding fixers. Here’s how to reach it:

Help desk 

Press office, Kyiv:, +38 091 481 00 04

Press office, Kharkiv:, +38 093 604 01 01

Press office, Odesa:, +38 050 089 58 30

You can also find a fixer on online platforms like World Fixer, Hack Pack, and Storyhunter, as well as use LinkedIn. 

Where to find an interpreter:

The best option for foreign journalists is when the fixer is also an interpreter. It’s because translations to and from Ukrainian might be needed at all stages of reporting: during filming and recording interviews, during communication at checkpoints and borders, with the authorities and law enforcement officers, in preparing the material to be published, etc.

If you need to find a specialist just for translation, you can also contact the Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

Besides, you can find interpreters on Upwork, Storyhunter,, A.B.C. Translation Agency, TRIS Translation and Interpreting Center, Lingo Translation Agency, and others. Still, we recommend you look for a fixer with a high level of your language proficiency.

Useful contacts – public services, official institutions, etc.

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ukrainian Parliament
Office of the President of Ukraine
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Government of Ukraine
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Ministry of Infrastructure
Ministry of Digital Transformation
Center for Strategic Communications
Kyiv City Council
Armed Forces of Ukraine
Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Territorial Defense of the Armed Forces
Air Assault Forces of Ukraine
Special Operations Forces
The National Guard of Ukraine
Joint Forces Command
National Police of Ukraine
State Service of Emergency Situations
State Border Patrol Service of Ukraine
State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine
Security Service of Ukraine
Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine
Service of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine
National Bank of Ukraine

Ukrainian experts – credible and English-speaking

To find experts in the topic you are interested in, you can leave a request on the PR Army website. You can also choose an expert from the list below:

Media literacy and countering disinformation
Alyona Romaniuk media expert, fact-checker.
Olha Bilousenko – disinformation analyst and researcher of Russian disinformation that affects vulnerable groups, particularly gender disinformation.
Volodymyr Yermolenko – Ukrainian philosopher and journalist, chief editor at UkraineWorld, President of PEN Ukraine.
Tetyana Ogarkova – literary critic and journalist, head of the international department of the Press Center at Ukraine Crisis Media Center.
Galyna Petrenko – Director of Detector Media NGO, journalist, Deputy Head of Detector Media Research Center.
Maria Avdeeva – strategic communications and security expert specializing in countering disinformation.
Kateryna Kazimirova – Media manager, publisher, digital strategist.
Security and geopolitics
Volodymyr Omelyan – Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine in 2016-2019, politician, Captain of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Andreas Umland – political scientist, analyst at the Stockholm Center for the Study of Eastern Europe, editorial board member at World Affairs Journal.
Mark Savchuk – Head of Oversight Committee of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, London School of Business and Finance postgraduate.
Serhii Sumlenny – Berlin-based Eastern Europe expert and former Director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Mykhailo Koltsov – Compliance expert, leading specialist at YouControl, World Bank external consultant on data analysis and cybersecurity.
Culture and history
Lyubov Yakymchuk – Ukrainian writer, playwright, and screenwriter.
Yulia Orlova – CEO of Vivat Publishing House, Member of the Board of the Association of Book Publishers and Book Distributors.
Iryna Slavinska – executive producer of Radio Culture (Public Radio Ukraine). Journalist, writer.
Lesya Voroniuk – founder of the NGO World Vyshyvanka Day, screenwriter, producer, director, journalist, and cultural curator.
Victor Tregubov – Ukrainian columnist and popular blogger, Captain of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and a specialist in informational analysis.
Vladlen Maraiev – Ph.D. in history, leading researcher of the Research Center for Humanitarian Issues of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Ella Yatsuta – cultural manager, founder of the literary platform "Frontera" and the International Literary Festival of the same name in Lutsk, co-founder of the charity fund "Angar.Ukraine".
Olena Pareniuk – senior researcher at the Institute of Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Oleksii Vasyliuk – Ukrainian ecologist and zoologist, environmentalist, and public figure. UWEC WG expert group director, Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group leader and co-founder.
Ivan Rusev – Head of the research department of the National Nature Park “Tuzlivski lymany”.
Economy and sanctions
Sergii Fursa Ukrainian economist, popular media presenter, investment banker, deputy director at Dragon Capital.
Oleksandra Ustinova – member of the Ukrainian parliament, head of the temporary special commission to control the use of weapons provided to Ukraine by partners.
Taras Kachka – Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Trade Representative of Ukraine.
Serhiy Ivashchenko – CEO of the Ukrainian Grain Association.
Anna Derevyanko – Executive Director of European Business Association (EBA).
Energy and nuclear safety
Olha Buslavets – Head of the Ministry of Energy (April-December 2020), PhD in Technical Sciences.
Oleksandr Kharchenko – Director of the Energy Industry Research Center.
Inna Sovsun – Member of Parliament, representative of the Committee on Energy and Housing and Communal Services.
Valerii Korshunov – founder of NGO European Institute of Chornobyl, member of the public council of the State Agency for Exclusion Zone Management.
If you think your resource should be on this list, please contact us by email

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